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You’re going to be surprised when you realize how well Senior Citizens can navigate Youtube. I know I was! Here is some reasons why we love Youtube for Marketing! 

  1. Active Seniors on YouTube: A Surprising Trend in Digital Marketing Contrary to popular belief, YouTube isn’t just for the younger crowd. In fact, it’s the preferred video platform for many Baby Boomers. YouTube’s Trends Dashboard reveals that over 60 million Baby Boomers aged 55 and above watch content on YouTube monthly, outnumbering younger viewers four to one. This makes YouTube an invaluable tool for reaching your target demographics effectively.
  2. Social Seniors: Harnessing the Power of Social Media Seniors are increasingly embracing social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Skype. With 39 million users aged 65 and older already active on these platforms by 2013, seniors represent the fastest-growing age group on social channels. Leveraging YouTube as a social platform allows seniors to engage with your content, share it within their social circles, and amplify brand awareness among peers and family members in their age range.
  3. Visual Storytelling: The Key to Senior Engagement Research indicates that visual storytelling is the most effective way to connect with senior citizens. Video content offers a compelling medium for storytelling, allowing you to craft narratives that resonate with your audience. For instance, featuring residents’ stories in videos can make your content more relatable and engaging for seniors considering your senior living facility.
  4. Leveraging Pre-Roll Ads on YouTube Pre-roll ads, though sometimes viewed as intrusive, can be powerful when aligned with relevant video content. Crafting short, impactful ads from existing video testimonials or facility tours can effectively showcase your senior living community to viewers. Integrating these ads with instructional or informative content ensures they enhance rather than disrupt the viewing experience.
  5. Driving Traffic with YouTube Videos Beyond hosting videos, YouTube serves as a traffic driver to your website. Optimize your YouTube channel to guide viewers to your site, including clear links in video descriptions and end screens. By directing traffic from YouTube to your website, you can expand your online presence and boost SEO, enhancing visibility and attracting more organic traffic to both platforms.

Incorporating YouTube into your content marketing strategy not only helps reach senior audiences effectively but also contributes to improved SEO and increased website traffic. With YouTube’s widespread popularity and Google ownership, it’s a valuable tool for expanding your reach and connecting with seniors online.

Is Your Community Ready for the Video Marketing Solution?